Arrive Alive Guarantee

Due to our tried and trusted packing, and the fact that Berghia are quite tough, death’s on arrival (DOA) are extremely rare.

However, it can still happen. We offer an arrive alive guarantee to give you the piece of mind that your Berghia are going to arrive to you alive, or we will send a replacement.

As part of our arrive alive guarantee, postage costs ARE included.

In order to qualify for this guarantee the following conditions must be met

  • You must notify us of the DOA on the same day as the Berghia are received
  • You must send us a clear photo or video of the deceased Berghia, inside the provided jar.
  • You must provide a correct delivery address, correct access instructions (that the courier may need to access the building), and accept the delivery when it is made. (if the package is delayed for a reason not of your fault, for example a delay from the courier, then the arrive alive guarantee will remain valid)
This information allows us to review your claim quickly and efficiently, refunds or replacements will be processed as soon as is possible.

Should you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help.